How is Illegal Times born?

This publication is the result of a joint idea from the communications cooperative Apòstrof and satirical illustrator Jaume Capdevila (Kap) in order to gather voices critical of the repressive policies of the Spanish state. This is a non-profit project where all those we have invited to provide texts and illustrations have done so to express their solidarity. These journalists, cartoonists, activists and humourists from around the world have all been gathered with the sole intention of crying out, protesting and rattling consciences. Do you also want to collaborate?



We would especially like to thank everyone who has collaborated with their drawings and thoughts. The pencils Terry Anderson. A Scottish cartoonist and member of the Board of Cartoonist's Rights Network International. Publishes in The Glasgow Herald. Ant (Anthony Garner). A British cartoonist established in Barcelona for over twenty years. publishes regular cartoons in newspaper Ara and collaborates with many other publications. Azagra (Carlos Azagra). An emblematic cartoonist within the social movements, his drawings have appeared in many different publications: El Jueves, Carrer and la Directa, among others. Bado (Guy Badeaux). A Quebecois cartoonist who regularly publishes in newspaper Le Droit. Cécile Bertrand. A Belgian cartoonist who combines political satire with children’s illustration. He has drawn for Le Vif, L’Express, and La Libre Belgique. Coco (Corinne Rey). A French cartoonist and one of the pillars of the current editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo, which she has been a part of since 2009. Liza Donnelly. A cartoonist from New York who collaborates with media like The New Yorker and CBS News. Elchicotriste (Miguel Villalba). A cartoonist from Tarragona who has published in many different media, from Le Monde to L'Espresso. He currently draws for Tot Tarragona. Eneko (Eneko las Heras). A cartoonist born in Caracas who has lived for years in Madrid. He collaborates with El Jueves and Interviu, among others. He worked with 20 minutos until recently, when he was fired. Ermengol (Francesc Tolsà). A cartoonist from Lleida, born of Catalan parents in Argentina; the most relevant figure in graphic humour in Catalonia’s West. Fer (José Antonio Fernández). A cartoonist born in León. He has directed the magazine El Jueves, and has drawn for almost thirty years in the newspaper Avui (currently El Punt Avui). Ferreres (Miquel Ferreres). A Catalan cartoonist who draws the daily cartoon in El Periódico. Beforehand, he collaborated with many other publications, from La Vanguardia to El País, including El Papus and El Jueves. Manel Fontdevila. From Manresa, he has become a point of reference in left-wing graphic humour. He has collaborated with El Jueves, Público, and is one of the founders of Orgullo y Satisfacción. He draws for and was sentenced by the Spanish Audiència Nacional (National Court) for a cartoon of the king. Kap. A Catalan cartoonist who publishes regularly in La Vanguardia, El Jueves, and also in the French and American press. Khalid Gueddar. A Moroccan cartoonist sentenced to three years in prison for having drawn the royal family of Morocco in the magazine Backchich. Directs the satirical publication Baboubi. Ferran Martin. A Catalan cartoonist, designer and animator. He has participated in multiple publications, from El Jueves to El Viejo Topo. Marilena Nardi. An Italian graphic artist, art professor, illustrator and cartoonist, she regularly publishes in Il Fatto Quotidiano, but has also drawn for Il Corriere della Sera and L’Asino. Martin Rowson. A British writer and political cartoonist who collaborates regularly with The Guardian and Daily Mirror. Mohammed Sabaaneh. A cartoonist and activist born in Kuwait who draws for Palestinian newspaper Al-Haya Al-Jadeda. Raquel GU (Raquel García Ulldemolins). A cartoonist, illustrator, writer and translator from Sant Boi. One of the strongest female voices in today’s graphic humour, she has published in Jot Down and Time Out. Sr. Plástiko (Ricardo Hermida). Born in Cadiz, he is one of the most committed and constant cartoonists in the countercultural, anti-establishment and alternative movements. Tjeerd Royaards. A Dutch cartoonist and director of Cartoon Movement, a platform made up of cartoonists from around the world. Cristina Sampaio. The most well-known cartoonist in Portugal, she has published in Expresso, Kleine Zeitung, Courrier International, Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Tres (Carlos Villafranca). A Catalan cartoonist and scriptwriter, he has drawn for multiple publications, and is currently part of the team for 'Serveis Mínims', a program on SER radio. Willem (Bernard Willem Holtrop). A cartoonist born in Holland but established in France for over three decades, he is a point of reference in the left-wing French press. He draws for the newspaper Libération as well as Charlie Hebdo. The pens Carme Arenas, president of PEN Catalonia, an organization that defends freedom of expression and linguistic rights, promotes Catalan literary heritage and intercultural dialogue. Part of PEN Club International. Pepe Beúnza, the first nonviolent conscientious objector in the Spanish State. He is one of the promotors of the En peu de pau initiative in defence of pacific civil resistance. Jordi Borràs, a photojournalist specialized in documenting the far right in Catalonia. His work has won him the 2016 Dignitat award, among others. Jaume Cabré, writer. His work has been translated into some twenty languages. He is the author of internationally-recognized works such as Les veus del Pamano and Confessions, and he has been recognized with Catalonia’s main literary awards. Júlia Cot, comedy screenwriter. She started her career with production company El Terrat, and she currently works on the program 'Polònia' on TV3. Ramón Cotarelo, a political scientist and anti-Francoist fighter from Madrid. He is the author of multiple essays on the Spanish Transition. Manuel Delgado, anthropologist and university professor. A historic communist militant and the author of some twenty essays, he currently collaborates with multiple media outlets and current events programs. Jone Goirizelaia, attorney. A former member of the Basque Parliament, she has been part of the Ahotsak women’s collective in favour the peaceful resolution of the Basque conflict through dialogue. Carme Herranz Salinero and Carles Perdiguero Garreta, attorneys specialized in the defence of civil rights from the ​Col·lectiu Ronda, a legal assistance cooperative with 45 years of history. Simona Levi, a multidisciplinary artist and activist. She is a founder of XNet, which revealed the Miguel Blesa email scandal, and a promoter of 15MpaRato. Natza Farré, journalist and columnist. She works on the comedy program 'La competència' on RAC1 radio, and is the author of the book Feminisme per a microones (Microwave Feminism-Ara llibres). David Fernàndez, journalist, social activist and cooperativist. A former member of the Parliament of Catalonia, he collaborates with multiple media outlets. Sergi López, one of the most international Catalan actors. He has a long career in cinema as well as theatre, which has won him several awards. He has always been known for his political and social commitment. Arcadi Oliveres, economist and peace activist. He has a long history with the anti-globalization movement and is a notable voice of the 15-M movement. Pepa Plana, actress and clown. The winner of several awards, she is an international point of reference among female clowns. Marta Rojals, writer. Recognized for the novels Primavera, estiu, etcètera and L'altra (la Magrana), and for her opinion articles on political and social current events. Tània Verge, Professor of political sciences. She was a member of the Electoral Commission for the October 1st referendum. Hamza Yalçin, a Swedish writer and journalist of Turkish origin. He was arrested and imprisoned in Barcelona this summer for having criticized the repressive policies of the president of Turkey.
This publication was made possible by Grup Ecos; Col·lectiu Ronda; Fundació Roca i Galès; Arç cooperative; Jamgo, SCCL; Olistis, SCCL; Bruna, SCCL; Andreu Comas; Núria Vila; Patrícia Rodríguez, and especially Bel Zaballa. We would also like to thank everyone who took part in distributing our 10,000 copies.