Kap (Jaume Capdevila)
Kidnappers of People, Ideas and Institutions
Marta Rojals
Some time ago, those of us who are independentists born under –ahem– democracy would ask ourselves what it must be like to get up in the morning and find yourself in a...

Khali Gueddar
Instruction Manual for Comedians
Júlia Cot
Not so long ago, when I was getting ready to become a comedy writer, I’d often attend talks and classes where some professional from the sector would discuss their experience. Whenever they...
Jaume Cabré
I never cease to be amazed by people’s capacity for enthusiasm. Each act of repression is met with a bold, peaceful response. We’re not messing around. We know we’re not alone: we’re...

Cristina Sampaio
In solidarity with the people of Catalonia
Hamza Yalçin
I am writing in full international solidarity with the people of Catalonia. We have seen with great sorrow the attacks against the people of Catalonia on the referendum day and afterwards. It...
Patriotic violence
Jordi Borràs
The political scenario that has resulted from the movement for independence has become the best way of making the shortcomings of a state undergoing democratic failure visible. The illusory period of the...
Ferreres (Miquel Ferreres)

Elchicotriste (Miguel Villalba)
Voting on a Thursday
Natza Farré
We’ve lost our proper customs. With all the things you’re supposed to do on a Thursday, besides eating yellow paella. But there’s no other option. It’s non- negotiable. If the law permits...

Sr. Plástiko (Ricardo Hermida)
Have We Conspired to Rebel?
Carme Herranz Salinero y Carles Perdiguero Garreta
They’ve told us time and again that they act “in the name of the law” and in the name of the Constitution. But the conclusions of the Spanish judicial institutions on the...

Martin Rowson

Mohammed Sabaaneh

Fer (José Antonio Fernández)
Raquel GU (Raquel García Ulldemolins)
Tània Verge
For some time now, Spain sustains its power over Catalonia through domination. Domination is imposing a Statute of Autonomy through the Constitutional Court against the will of the Catalan Parliament and citizens....
Freedom of Expression, Democratic Strength
Carme Arenas
Silence won’t protect you Audre Lorde One of the first symptoms of a weak political power is a systematic attack on the right to freedom of expression. It’s an inversely proportionate formula:...

Azagra (Carlos Azagra)
#Humor Amenaçat
Cartoonists Rights Network International
Sorry, this entry is only available in Català and Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the...

Terry Anderson
Marilena Nardi
Arcadi Oliveres
In the early 1970s Miquel Porter, Lluís Serrahima and Jaume Armengol, part of the movement of Els Setze Jutges,1 published a litany that became famous and that we would often recite clandestinely....
Ant (Anthony Garner)

Manel Fontdevila
We’ve Unmasked Francoism
Pepe Beúnza
One of the characteristics of the movement for independence in Catalonia (in which being able to hold a referendum so people can express their opinion has been fundamental, as this is the...
Coco (Corinne Rey)
We can’t give up now
Sergi López
With some of the members of our democratically elected government in prison and others in exile, with our fundamental rights to freedom of expression shamelessly trampled on, with control of our country...

Bado (Guy Badeaux)
Ermengol (Francesc Tolsà)
Freedom of Expression or Dictatorship
Ramón Cotarelo
All censorship and suppression of freedom of expression involves pretensions of infallibility. Such an absurd pretension can never be sustained by the force of reason. That is why force and intimidation are...

Willem (Bernard Willem Holtrop)
Democratic elections without equal conditions?
Jone Goirizelaia
Elections have been convened in Catalonia by Mariano Rajoy, President of Spain, in an overextension of his powers. They will include Catalan political prisoners, exiles and other candidates who, although on provisional...

Liza Donnelly
They Won’t Take Laughter Away
Pepa Plana
It seemed like it was all over. Then, suddenly, you realize that it isn’t, and that instead of moving forward we’re slipping backwards. With the Catalan Government taken over, the shock to...
Tjeerd Royards
The Responsibility of the Equidistant
Simona Levi
Technofobia is part of the electoral monodynamic and the immoral equidistance of the dogmatic left. As a matter of fact, it’s what makes repression and the taking away of rights possible, endorsing...
Ferran Martin

Tres (Carlos Villafranca)
Spanish Inquisition
David Fernàndez
The title isn’t mine. It comes from a ways back, and it’s lasted far too long. It’s from the documentary (my homage and recognition) by an Australian journalist, David O’Shea, who in...

Cécile Bertrand
What if…
Manuel Delgado
What if... What if we’d dared to defend what we already had? What if we’d dared to stand up for what we’d already fought for, what we’d already touched? What good were...